Suicide Squad Reviews: 10 Things We Learned About The Joker

2. He's Grubby

Joker Haha

One of the best assessments of the Joker comes courtesy of Vulture, whose description nails exactly that feeling that Leto's Joker was always going to be more of a juggalo, and a pimp, with positively venereal spirit oozing out of him:

"There’s also something icky about her ardor for Leto’s uncharismatic Joker. Part James Cagney, part Heath Ledger (who also had a touch of Cagney), Leto doesn’t seem so much unhinged as unhygienic, like a crazy Method actor with no safe word. When he paws his little blonde thing, you wonder how she can stand his rotten breath: Is that why she’s swooning?"

Given his on-set behaviour, it all makes sense.


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