Super Bowl 2019 Trailers: 10 Things We Learned

8. Captain Marvel's Marketing Continues To Underwhelm

Captain Marvel Brie Larson
Marvel Studios

With barely a month to go until Captain Marvel hits screens, Marvel Studios is entering the final phase of their marketing push for the much-anticipated superhero origin story.

And yet, on the grandest stage they could possibly debut a trailer, doesn't the Brie Larson-starring comic book flick still feel a bit flat?

Absolutely nothing in this 30-second teaser suggests it'll be anything more than a garden variety origin story, which given Carol Danvers' status as the MCU's most powerful superhero really won't be good enough.

From the cringe-worthy music to the creaky dialogue and iffy CGI, it's just not rousing the hype like it should be.

It'd be silly to bet against Marvel Studios given their 20-film winning streak, but if you're expecting this to be top-shelf MCU, you might want to temper your hope a little.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.