Super Bowl 2020 Trailers: 10 Things We Learned

1. Digitally De-Aged Bill S. Preston Looks Surprisingly... EXCELLENT

Bill and Ted Walmart

No Super Bowl commercial this year more aggressively prodded our nostalgia receptors than Walmart's two-minute ad which incorporated pop-culture staples such as Star Trek, Toy Story, The LEGO Movie, Mars Attacks!, Men in Black, Arrival, Guardians of the Galaxy, Flash Gordon, Star Wars, and even Bill & Ted.

No, Keanu Reeves sadly didn't appear in the commercial, though we did get a surprising cameo from his Bill & Ted co-star Alex Winter, who steps out of the iconic phone booth time machine with a younger, digitally de-aged version of himself in tow.

The quick glimpse confirmed two things: Alex Winter's still got it, and digital de-aging is getting better every day, because despite the limited budget of a TV commercial, CGI young Bill looked surprisingly convincing for the most part.

Does this mean we might be seeing similar digital trickery in the upcoming sequel, Bill & Ted Face the Music, or was this really just thrown together solely for the sake of Walmart? We'll find out for ourselves on August 21.

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Black Widow
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.