8: Continuity

Is this a continuation of Nolans Batman trilogy? If it is, now Snyder has even more characters to cram in including Alfred, Selina Kyle, and more. Would Anne Hathaway and Michael Caine even return? I could potentially see Anne up for it considering how passionately she lobbied to portray Selina in The Dark Knight Rises in the first place. Morgan Freeman seems expendable as a cameo but the others are seemingly critical. Some characters could always get axed but it is much tougher to swallow considering the DC superhero films pride themselves on telling grittier and more story and character driven experiences. I certainly did not care about Natalie Portmans absence in The Avengers, I dont even remember their scenes in Thor. Not bringing back characters like Catwoman however could potentially come across as insulting to Nolans Dark Knight Trilogy when you weigh in the ending and crucial motifs behind it. The only reasonable rationale I foresee is if Joseph Gordon-Levitts imagining of Robin ends up taking on the role of Batman as alluded to in The Dark Knight Rises. Chances are slim to none of Christian Bale returning which leads us too