Superman vs. Batman Cast: 10 Actors Who Could Play Batman

7. Bradley Cooper

bradleycooperWhy He Could: There's no questioning the fact that Bradley Cooper has the cockiness to portray a young upstart version of Bruce Wayne just as well as Christian Bale did; his characters in The Hangover and Limitless are filled with unearned self-assurance and arrogance, which would work well for Batman's feud with the more straight-laced Supes. Cooper has also proven in movies like The A-Team that he can just as ably handle the demands of a blockbuster action movie, and because we can't possibly forget it, the guy is also extremely good-looking. Why He Won't: But, there's one major problem; he's just not very intimidating or menacing, or at least hasn't yet had a real opportunity to show off how frightening he can be. Even when he's being a jackass, he's not scary, but if Warner is prepared to take a gamble, they could have a real winner here.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]