SXSW 2022: 20 Movies You Need To Know About

11. The Cow

Spin Me Round
Vertical Entertainment

Winona Ryder stars as a middle-aged woman whose boyfriend (John Gallagher Jr.) goes missing during their weekend cabin retreat, causing her to suspect the young couple (Owen Teague and Brianne Tju) who seemingly double-booked the cabin.

The Cow is a film you're absolutely better off watching without knowing too much, such are the twisted depths of its mysteries and revelations.

The direction it goes in certainly won't be for everyone - hence the wildly polarising reviews out of SXSW - yet filmmaker Eli Horowitz maintains smooth, uneasy control of the increasingly dire situation throughout.

Above all else it's great to see Ryder working on a low-fi genre project like this, and hopefully she'll keep at it in the future.

The Cow will release later this year.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.