SXSW 2022: 20 Movies You Need To Know About

9. X

Spin Me Round

Though it's actually already released around the world, Ti West's (The House of the Devil) new horror film X premiered at SXSW and evidently deserves far greater success than its meager box office performance so far.

West's film is a deliciously lurid homage to classic exploitation horror flicks, most notably The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, focused on a group of people shooting a porn film in a rural Texas farmhouse who find themselves facing unexpected opposition from their hosts.

Existing as both a self-aware tribute to its genre forebears and a sublimely bloody example of it, X gets to have its cake and eat it too, largely thanks to West's strong direction and crackerjack performances from Mia Goth and Brittany Snow.

Better yet, West is already busy editing a prequel film he shot back-to-back with X which may end up releasing before year's end.

X is out now.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.