SXSW 2022: 20 Movies You Need To Know About

6. Slash/Back

Spin Me Round
Red Marrow Media

Slash/Back is a most atypical of alien invasion movies, unfolding within the Canadian territory of Nunavut as a gang of local teen girls fend off an impending extraterrestrial threat.

Though clearly assembled on a low budget, Nyla Innuksuk's sci-fi adventure film makes the most of its uniquely frosty setting while fully exploiting the charms of its largely unknown cast.

The allegorical qualities of the story aren't even remotely subtle, yet Innuksuk uses her genre film gloss - already widely compared to both Attack the Block and The Thing - to foreground America's continued maltreatment of its indigenous population.

Yet Slash/Back manages to be at once a socially conscious drama and giddily entertaining entry into an overcrowded genre.

Slash/Back is currently seeking distribution.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.