SXSW 2022: 20 Movies You Need To Know About

14. Linoleum

Spin Me Round
Brain Scratch Pictures

One of the fest's most buzzed-about titles, Linoleum is a deliciously twisty character drama about a man, Cameron (a superb Jim Gaffigan), who enters a mid-life crisis just as a series of increasingly bizarre happenings occur around him - namely a satellite falling from the sky and crashing into his house.

Melding a clear love of science with quirky character-driven comedy, Linoleum is a stylish, perfectly cast indie that has more than a few clever tricks up its sleeve, most of which can't even be hinted at here.

Gaffifan and Rhea Seehorn (playing his wife) are terrific in the central roles, in a film that's sure to generate much discussion when it reaches a wider audience. Don't sleep on it.

Linoleum is currently seeking distribution.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.