Tag Review: 6 Ups & 3 Downs
1. The Tonal Shifts Don't Always Work
There are a few moments where Tag steers away from simply being a comedy movie and attempts to be something a little more serious and even sentimental.
Responses are likely to vary to these attempts, especially a surprisingly grim reveal in the movie's third act that sucks the air out of the film completely for a good few minutes.
It's a silly film about adults tagging each other: did it need to "get real" at any point? Absolutely not, and doing so here feels pretty half-baked in all honesty.
At times the movie intentionally veers into dark territory for a shocking laugh, but when it explores real-life troubles in the pursuit of earnest drama, it falls pretty flat.
These issues aside, though, Tag can be a lot of fun. Here's what works...