Terminator: Dark Fate - 5 Big Questions We're Left With

1. Have We Seen The Last Of Arnie's Terminator?

Terminator Dark Fate Arnold Schwarzenegger
Paramount Pictures

"I won't be back," Carl ominously told his family as he prepped for battle against the Rev-9, and those were words that the aged T-800 unfortunately followed through on as, by ensuring that the Rev-9 was terminated by Grace's power source, he too was destroyed in the explosion. But could those words have a greater (and darker) meaning?

It's quite possible that it means we've seen the last of Arnold Schwarzenegger's iconic Terminator and that, if Dark Fate does get a sequel, good old Arnie might not reprise his role.

After all, it's not like they can just replace him with another T-101/T-800. The Skynet timeline was completely wiped out with the destruction of Cyberdyne and, although it wasn't outright confirmed, it seems that Legion created far more advanced technology. And even though flash-forwards revealed a number of T-800s, the chances of them recreating Arnie's Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 skin is highly unlikely - meaning that, much like we saw in Terminator Genisys, the original Terminator is a relic from a deleted timeline.

Surely we can't have a Terminator movie without the Terminator? Barring a CGI cameo, Salvation is the only installment the Austrian Oak didn't appear in and that wasn't exactly a resounding success now, was it?


Did Terminator: Dark Fate leave you with any questions? Tell us in the comment section below.


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terminator police station
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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.