Terminator: Dark Fate: 6 Things It MUST Do To Be A Good Sequel

3. Don't Rest On Supposed Laurels

Terminator 6
Paramount Pictures

The original Terminator got Arnie over in Hollywood. Arnie is also a workhorse who does not take good opportunities for granted, meaning he has always shown a willingness to return to the franchise which birthed his stardom.

However, there were bigger things happening in the Terminator films than Schwarzenegger. They brought him back for Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines. It did not save the film. They made him absent from Terminator: Salvation. It did not save the film. They brought him back again for Terminator: Genisys. It did not...

Anyway, you get the idea. Arnie is back once again, and this time so is Linda Hamilton. Are these two actors cool? Yes, they are. Are they single-handedly capable of making Dark Fate a decent film? No, they are not.

Dark Fate needs to have considerably more going for it than the gimmick of possessing its two original cast members. So let's hope that this is an integral ingredient rather than a superficial draw because fans are simply not naive enough to fall for it. Not anymore, anyway.

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Terminator 6
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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net