Terminator Genisys: 18 Stupidest Moments In 2015's Dumbest Movie

17. The Most Illogical Ill-Equipped Terminators Of All Time

Terminator Genisys
Paramount Pictures

So the film opens with the revelation that there's a secret underground hangar hidden underneath the Terminator work-camp (an extremely extravagant set-up since the majority of the human survivors have been wiped out by now), where Skynet's final grand plan is housed.

You'd think, therefore, that Skynet might beef up their defences, perhaps using some of the beefier technology available to them (as established in the rest of the franchise). They should have at least invented some sort of heavy artillery guardians (which they have before) to man the entrance to the base, rather than having to literally drop them out of the sky in the event of an emergency. And just having it mostly guarded by your bog-standard grunts with guns.

But that's sort of typical for a supposedly genius level tech-brain that bases its entire existence on a single core powering all of its units, and whose Terminators are mostly terrible at actually Terminating, including when dealing with a near-obsolete T-800 junker.

And why would you develop the T-1000 to freeze fatally after being shot for just enough time for its prey to run away?


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