3. There Are Moments When The Film Looks Fantastic...
Given that Terminator Genisys is a huge tentpole release with an astronomical budget, it's perhaps unsurprising that it fares much better in reviews when it comes to visual effects. As already noted, the film flirts with moments from previous movies to great effect, with the Wrap praising production designer Neil Spisak, who "does a superb and praiseworthy job here as the film flickers through time periods, making each seem distinctive while also keeping a consistent look for the film." Screen Daily offers more broad praise for the effects on display. "Still, give credit to an impressive effects team, which does wonders with the T-1000s liquid metal. Additionally, utilising a similar technique used in Tron: Legacy for Jeff Bridges, Genisys impressively incorporates digital airbrushing to transform Arnold back to his mid-80s appearance during a brief segment." But great special effects only go so far - how well they are integrated into the action sequences is equally significant...