Terminator Reboot: 5 Reasons Why It Will Inevitably Suck

3. Sexy Connor

Emilia Clarke Better known as Kalessi in Game Of Thrones, Emilia Clark is reported to be auditioning for the role of Sarah Connor. While she is a competent actress, she is too young to be playing Sarah Connor. But that is the problem with almost all of the rumored actors that are being lined up to fill the shoes of Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn; they all look too young. J.J. Abrams' Star Trek had the same problem where the younger cast gave the impression that Starfleet gave a bunch of teenagers free reign on the Federation flagship and it was hard to take them seriously when there was a life or death decision to be made. About Time Margot Robbie Margot Robbie, the 23-year-old who made her debut in Australian soap Neighbours, is also in the running. As is 24-year-old Brie Larson, who is probably best known for her turns in comedy 21 Jump Street and Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. A young sexy cast might look good on the poster, but watching them run away from a Terminator for 2 hours will put the film dangerously close to something in the €˜teen slasher€™€™ category - that, I assure you, is something no Terminator fan wants to see come time for this movie.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.