Thanos: 12 Awesome Abilities To Look Out For In The MCU

8. An Uncanny Ability To Wield Items Of Power Expertly

Marvel ComicsMarvel ComicsWhen some characters get their hands on items of immense power, they are clueless as to what to do with them, unsuitable of wielding them or simply overwhelmed by the sheer power they possess. Take the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the Red Skull, for instance. When he tried to handle the Tesseract with his bare hands, it simply made him disappear - apparently killing him, but more likely simply absorbing him or transporting him to another location in the universe. Thanos never has any such issues. Whether it's the Cosmic Cube, the Heart of the Universe, the Infinity Gauntet that he is set to wield in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or anything else, he is always instantly adept in the use of the item in question. As such, the heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe should prepare themselves for some very strange and colossal events when Thanos appears with all six of the Infinity Stones at his disposal.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.