The 10 Animated Classics Disney WON'T Remake In Live Action

5. Brother Bear

Brother Bear Disney.jpg

As I alluded to with Lilo & Stitch, most of the films from the 2000s (basically all the way up to Tangled in fact) were pretty sub-par. Not all were dreadful as dreadful asHome On The Range, but it was still a rather unimaginative time for the studio, with few films having a profound cultural impact.

For that reason, stuff like Bolt, Chicken Little, Meet The Robinsons, The Emperor's New Groove and definitely Dinosaur won't be reemerging anytime soon. There is one film, however, whose concept makes it ripe for further exploration like Stich and Treasure Planet - Brother Bear.

I would have once pegged this as a sure-thing, because the story - a native American is transformed into a bear and can't be turned back until he learns a lesson about life - is one that ticks all of the requisite boxes and has plenty of wider mythology options. Although that story is also the reason why it won't; as many people at the time pointed out, it's very similar to Brave, and putting all rip-off allegations aside, it's been somewhat neutered as a hot idea in the process. Back to the drawing board.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.