The 10 Animated Classics Disney WON'T Remake In Live Action

4. Robin Hood

Robin Hood Disney

Does this one even need explaining? Robin Hood is one of the most curious films in the Disney pantheon, made primarily because development on an adaptation of Reynard The Fox had stalled and the company wanted to find a cheap way to still use the character designs. Throw in one public domain legend and you get an inexplicably anthropomorphised take on the Merry Men that has charm only ever despite itself.

To remake this would be incredibly counterintuitive. The whole idea was that this was the legend of the communist vigilante and crew in animated form - there's been so many takes on this story - and you couldn't just have animals to distinguish it there, especially as, in the wake of Zootopia, audiences now expect a better reason for why animals are acting like humans than just "Oh, because they are".

Disney may eventually decide to make a Robin Hood film (although judging by the success of recent versions they'd think twice), but it's doubtful it'd bear even a passing resemblence to the animation.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.