10 Dumbest James Bond Villains Of All Time

7. Raoul Silva (Skyfall)

Raoul_Silva_-_ProfileMGMSilva is an international cyber-terrorist capable of wrecking western civilization with a few clicks of a keyboard, but lets his love of a spectacle cloud his judgement. Firstly Silva could€™ve easily killed Bond while he had him restrained in his island lair but wanted the spectacle of escaping from the clutches of MI6 and so allowed himself to be captured. Why He€™s So Stupid Silva€™s skills at hacking and encryption give him an obvious advantage over Bond when in a bustling city €“ he can use his technical proficiency to ensure Bond is always one step behind him. He then follows Bond into what is possibly the most obvious trap ever, before taking him on in an environment that suits his skills, if not his firepower. Silva knows that Bond is almost as dangerous as him - probably more so without any gadgets to hand. Why then does he think its a good idea to go racing up to Scotland to confront Bond and M when he could've easily smoked them out of hiding with a rampage in London? Dumbest Moment A needlessly elaborate attempt to kill Bond via the unusual medium of tube train. Predictably Bond manages to get away. If Silva knew exactly where Bond would be why not blow him up rather than ruin a poor bunch of commuters' days?

Mark Worgan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.