10 Dumbest James Bond Villains Of All Time

8. Max Zorin (A View To A Kill)

max zorinMGMZorin is a millionaire industrialist and former KGB agent who looks to form an international cartel that will control the entire production and distribution of the world's microchips. He decides that the only obstacle in his way is Silicon Valley, and strives to wipe it out by engineering a massive earthquake that will level the region. Why He's So Dumb Because there's only so many people you can stab in the back before someone sticks one between your shoulder blades. He machine guns his own men to death and then kills or tries to kill off two of his assistants and his own girlfriend. On top of that he's even turned his back on the KGB, who hated him so much they made Bond the most unlikely recipient of the Order of Lenin ever. Inevitably his lack of loyalty comes back to bite him, making his moves to keep betraying even those who started the film on his side pretty stupid. Dumbest Moment Leaving his girlfriend May Day to die. No one in their right mind would want to get on the wrong side of Grace Jones, especially when she supposedly possesses superhuman strength. This came back to bite him as she helped Bond foil his plans.

Mark Worgan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.