10 Dumbest James Bond Villains Of All Time

4. Dr Kanaga (Live And Let Die)

live and let dieMGMIn Live And Let Die, Kanaga (a.k.a Mr Big) plans to flood the New York City streets with free heroin. This, he believes, would have the effect of driving all his drug dealing competitors out of business and leaving him as the city's sole supplier of drugs to its increased number of addicts. Kanaga had one of the most memorable Bond villain deaths - blowing up like a balloon and exploding after 007 forced a shark pellet into his mouth. Damned ridiculous, but damned spectacular to boot. Why He's So Stupid As Bond villain plans go this one's pretty awful - firstly its not like there's not a lucrative market for heroin anyway, especially in 1970s New York. Secondly if anything is going to draw attention to you as a potential drug kingpin then its a city chock full of free heroin. Even if Bond hadn't got on his case - its likely that the American authorities would. Dumbest Moment Undoubtedly his henchman Tee Hee Johnson leaving Bond to be eaten by crocodiles. Considering Bond is capable of getting out of even the tightest spots, a few crocs were never going to bother James.

Mark Worgan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.