10 Dumbest James Bond Villains Of All Time

3. Elektra King (The World Is Not Enough)

Film 'The World is Not Enough' By Michael AptedMGMElektra is the only villain on this list with carnal knowledge of Mr Bond. The daughter of an oil magnate, she teamed up with the nihilistic terrorist (and her kidnapper) Rennard to cause a nuclear meltdown in the sea off Turkey before running into Bond and love interest Christmas Jones. Beautiful as well as deadly, viewers of The World Is Not Enough initially thought she was a helpless damsel in distress who Pierce Brosnan's Bond had to reluctantly protect. However, it turned out she had more devastating plans. Why She€™s So Stupid Ms King is one of the richest young women in the world, and yet she decides it isn€™t enough and that the best way to to get richer is by causing hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) to die of radiation poisoning. Spoiled little rich girl syndrome writ large. Someone really should've made sure she wasn't a psychopath before she inherited the family fortune. Dumbest moment A tough one, but it has to be her whole plan €“ people tend to ask questions about massive nuclear accidents so its difficult to see how she'd get away with it. Plus her plan would render a huge part of the Middle-East in ruins - with likely terrible effects on world peace which could destabilise the region.

Mark Worgan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.