The 3 Greatest 3D Films Ever Made

2. Dredd 3D (2012)

Dredd 3D

Now here is a prime example of how 3D can enhance a film€™s story and action. Last year€™s Dredd 3D was an underrated surprise in many ways. Thankfully it was 138 times better than the one starring Sylvester Stallone, but also, it turned outto be one of the most accomplished films of the year.

The cast were exceptional, the story slight, but compact, and the action and violence was emphatic but not gratuitous considering the source material. And the 3D? The 3D in Dredd enhanced this already edge-of-your-seat sci-fi thriller and allowed the film to express its unrelenting and unforgiving grown-up story in a fashion simply not attainable with two dimensions.

Often combining well with the "bullet-time" action, and allowing the audience to experience the full effects of the aptly named SLO MO drug which the antagonists dealt in, the 3D contributed to the feeling that you were right there with Judge Dredd, dodging the hail of gunfire and in a fight for your life.

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I am a copywriter, creative writer and film enthusiast. My passion is writing about film and one day soon, I hope to be able to do this full time, at home, in my pyjamas.