The Amazing Spider-Man 2: 5 Reasons You Should Be More Exicted

4. The Villains

Jamie Foxx In Spiderman Despite treading on already chartered waters, The Amazing Spider-Man writers handled the reboot just about as well as they could and added something new to the origin story. But as mentioned above, The Lizard sucked. A big crappy looking Saturday morning cartoon level monster who€™s evil plot was to make everybody a big lizard like him? C'mon, you guys must be able to come up with something better than that! Fortunately the next entry in the saga doesn't seem to be heading down a similar route. From what we've seen so far Jamie Foxx looks great and Electro is one of Spider-Man€™s better bad guys who should be able to make the transition to the big screen better than most. His motivation in the comics is usually just as a thief with little backstory which allows the new one to play around with his motivations without offending Spider-Man fans. The other villain, Rhino also sounds appealing on the big screen. A poor, dim-witted immigrant from Russia who ends up on the wrong side of the law through bad decisions that he makes, he sounds like he could really be made to be sympathetic which could add an emotional backbone to the next movie, especially with Paul Giamatti playing him. The Rhino can easily be portrayed as a sympathetic character that epitomizes the American Dream gone wrong. The sheer power of him also means there is potential for an epic battle with Spider-Man and then add Electro to that battle! Sounds awesome.

I'm a 16 year old boy from Dublin. I've a passion for films, books and rap music. I enjoy writing about and discussing films and my favorite films in are Apocalypse Now, Mulholland Drive, Taxi Driver, The Seventh Seal and The Godfather. My favorite rapper is 2Pac.