The Amazing Spider-Man 2: 5 Reasons You Should Be More Exicted

3. 3 And 4 Have Already Been Announced

Andrew Garfield The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and 4 have already been announced. What could this mean? Well it could mean two things... 1. The studio is so confident and impressed by number 2 that they have already decided that it will be a success and are therefore green lighting the next two films for that reason. 2. It could also mean that Webb wants number 2 to hint at future storylines or for it to ignite future storylines. Either one is great news for the series as if the studio has that much confidence in the film it must be at the very least great or they wouldn't already back it. If it means that they will suggest future villains that will make the film all the more interesting and worthwhile to go see. Planning ahead for future films when dealing with comic book adaptations has proven a success. Just look at the amount of planning that went into The Avengers by how many films that had to be made before it and how well that worked out. This announcement has made me anticipate the next film all the more eagerly.

I'm a 16 year old boy from Dublin. I've a passion for films, books and rap music. I enjoy writing about and discussing films and my favorite films in are Apocalypse Now, Mulholland Drive, Taxi Driver, The Seventh Seal and The Godfather. My favorite rapper is 2Pac.