The Amazing Spider-Man 2: 8 Leftover Plot Points That Really Need Explaining

1. What Happened To Richard And Mary Parker?

Richard Parker This is the biggest question mark left at the end of the film and the one that seems to have frustrated fans the most. We see a brief glimpse at a newspaper article claiming that they both died in a plane crash, but it's pretty much a guarantee that that's a smokescreen. Rather than give us a straight answer about their fate, we're given tiny clues that will be picked up again in the sequel, and chances are we won't get a definitive answer for quite a while. It's too good a mystery, and too important to Peter, for them to solve early on in the franchise, so I predict it will be a sweeping arc through all four planned films. What questions were you left with at the end of The Amazing Spider-Man? Do you have any predictions for what the answers may be? Let us know in the comments below!

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website,