The Avengers 2: 5 Racially Diverse Avengers We Need To See

1. Black Panther

Surprised? I bet you€™re not. This had to be at number one. Why this isn€™t a film already, or why they decided to make an Ant Man film and a Guardian of the Galaxy film (a little known comic) before this film (there are rumors it may eventually see the light - especially as it was briefly hinted at in Iron Man 2) is beyond me. It€™s actually shocking is what it is. It is probably this fact alone which gives a lot of the audience good enough reason to call The Avengers and all Marvel movies out on being racist ( along with being sexist and homophobic). This was long-rumored to be a film which would be released before The Avengers 2, but with so many Marvel films released before this, and no word on a film, this is very unlikely. I am hoping that this character is featured in The Avengers 2 and later gets a spin off in the Marvel Phase 3 films. The Black Panther was the first black superhero in mainstream American comics. Fitting therefore that he should be the first black superhero to have his very own film in the Avengers universe. The Black Panther, or T€™Challa, was given the title of The Black Panther, which is the ceremonial title given to the chief of the Panther Tribe of the (fictional) African nation of Wakanda because he was the next in line hereditarily for the position. Regardless of this fact, The Black Panther still had to earn his position and the attributes that come with it by defeating various champions of the Wakandan tribes. The one factor about Black Panther which we would not like to see in The Avengers sequel is his relationship in his teens and later marriage to the X-Man Storm. Having said that, Storm, being an X-Man, isn€™t allowed to feature in The Avengers films, so I think we are safe on this front (not dissing the relationship, just not right for these movies). Black Panther gets his abilities after eating a special herb with a connection to the Wakandan panther god, granting him superhuman senses, strength, agility and stamina. He is also considered one of the eight smartest people on the planet (awesome - Tony Stark will have someone to talk to other than Bruce Banner) having gotten a degree in physics from Oxford University. Also, an added coolness is the fact that he isn€™t American (nothing against them), and considering The Avengers are Earth's Mightiest Heroes, it would be nice to feature more who aren't American. Simply, African will do nicely thank you. And yes, I have said previously that the Avengers needs superheroes with more interesting superpowers, and you could argue that Black Panther's powers are pretty much Captain America's. However, looking as cool as this superhero does, who am I to complain. This superhero is THE best choice for an Avengers sequel, full stop! Just imagine how cool he would have looked in that scene in The Avengers where the camera pans around the characters before the final battle. EPIC! Maybe the movie producers are worried that his costume looks too much like Batman's and they'd be accused of stealing, but with a few (just a few) alterations to his costume this could all be cleaned up. And honestly, does anyone really care? I sure don't. Come on Joss Whedon. Please make this happen. What do you think? Any other characters you€™d like to see? Disagree with how cool Black Panther would be in the sequels? Sound off below in the comments section.

I am a recent Screenwriting for Film and Television graduate from the UK. I am an unashamed geek who loves everything Marvel, and anything Joss Whedon has ever touched (except for maybe Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E). My current favorite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Family Guy, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Homeland and Glee. I look forward to debating things with all of you in the future. (As of January 2013 I have had over 1 million views since joining WhatCulture in September 2012. You can reach me at