The Batman: 10 Actors Who Could Play The Joker For Matt Reeves

5. Anya Taylor-Joy

Anya Taylor-Joy Joker
20th Century Studios

Who said The Joker has to be a man? Remember, there is precedent in the comic books for a female version of the villain as the Flashpoint storyline revealed that Martha Wayne took on the mantle in that alternate reality after her son was gunned down years earlier.

It wouldn't make sense for The Batman sequel to head down that route (not without getting seriously convoluted, anyway), but when the Dark Knight does finally cross paths with the Harlequin of Hate, the Clown Prince of Crime could quite easily be portrayed as the Clown Princess of Crime!

The Dark Knight doesn't have many female villains - beyond Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn - so a gender swap certainly wouldn't hurt. As for why Anya Taylor-Joy is the right person to reimagine The Joker...well, have you seen her work? Incredible in Netflix's The Queen's Gambit and the best part of The New Mutants by a mile, she's one of the brightest stars working in Hollywood today.

There's something really intriguing about this prospect, and watching Joy's female Joker matching wits with Pattinson's Batman would be truly out of this world.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.