The Batman: 10 Best Gadgets

9. Bat Computer

The Batman
Warner Bros.

The Batcomputer is not as big as the usual portrayals from previous movies, but as far as being a high-tech computer anyone would love to have in real life, it is still up there.

Granted that this is a realistic Batman world, so it is not the supercomputer that can do anything, but a computer with limited features specific for forensic investigations and communications. That being said, that kind of realism makes the computer more desirable to have. You can picture having one and figuring out how to use it right away, unlike a Deus Ex Machina computer that will take a lifetime to figure out.

In the movie, it is usually used for Batman to see the records from his video recording contact lenses. It can also analyze pictures, and figure out codes. Presumably, it can also analyze fingerprints, DNA samples, ballistics, and other detective related functions.

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The Batman
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Once upon a time, Jon ended up in a huge dark room with a giant screen... and he never left.