The Batman: 10 Huge New Reveals From Director Matt Reeves At DC FanDome

7. "Oz" And Selina Kyle Won't Be The Penguin Or Catwoman...Yet

The Batman Robert Pattinson
Warner Bros. Pictures

This may not be an origin story for Batman, but it will be for a couple of other key characters in the DC Universe Reeves is creating. As the trailer made clear, Selina Kyle isn't Catwoman just yet (despite wearing a mask which just so happens to have some familiar ears), while no one would blame you for entirely missing Colin Farrell's Oswald Cobblepot as he's covered in prosthetics.

"In a weird way, this is the origin of a lot of our rogue's gallery characters," Reeves teased at DC FanDome. "Selina isn't Catwoman yet, and that's actually part of the journey. Oz [Cobblepot] is not yet the kingpin that he's going to become. He's the Penguin 0 in fact, he doesn't like being called the Penguin - and the Riddler is just emerging for the first time. So that's all incredibly exciting."

The Riddler also appears to be unrecognisable, because while he may have a love of killing and teasing Batman with his riddles, the villain certainly isn't wearing a green suit, bowler hat, and brandishing a question mark shaped cane! A Joker-style reinvention for these characters now seems inevitable.

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The Batman
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.