The Batman: 10 Predictions For Where Matt Reeves Could Take The Franchise

7. A New Clown Prince Of Crime

The Batman Court Of Owls
DC Comics

The Joker was a key part of 2016's Suicide Squad, while a different, grounded version of the Clown Prince of Crime would later receive the spotlight in 2019's standalone Joker movie starring Joaquin Phoenix. There continue to be rumours of a sequel to that, but with Leto clearly done with the role, it's hard to fathom Joker not returning to plague Batman again at some point.

Rumour has it that The Batman will lay the groundwork for the villain's return, with the Dark Knight set to battle him in a sequel. It would be one hell of a surprise if Reeves were to introduce the Red Hood gang in this first movie, setting the stage for a Killing Joke-style take on the iconic villain's origin story.

There have been great things about each of the Jokers who have appeared on screen, but an argument could be made that none of them have truly done the Harlequin of Hate justice. While Reeves may be taking a grounded approach to the material, his twisted version of Joker in this new Batman's world could very well prove to be the one fans have been so patiently waiting for.

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The Batman
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