The Batman: 10 Predictions For Where Matt Reeves Could Take The Franchise

6. Trapped In Arkham Asylum

The Batman Court Of Owls
DC Comics / Dave McKean

Previous Batman movies have certainly spent some time in Arkham Asylum, but it's never really been portrayed in a comic accurate way. Instead, filmmakers have only really scratched the surface, treating it as little more than the name of somewhere the villains the Caped Crusader defeats are sent. With The Batman, Reeves has the opportunity to finally change that.

When The Riddler is inevitably defeated, then it's likely somewhere the villain will be forced to call "home," and future movies can show the hero visiting him - or others he's beaten - there.

A little further down the road as it starts filling up with familiar faces, Reeves can tell a story which will be familiar to comic book and video game fans alike: Batman trapped at the mercy of his greatest enemies.

It's nuts that a Batman film set almost entirely in Arkham Asylum hasn't happened yet, especially when it's a premise that everyone knows has serious potential. If this Dark Knight does face the Court of Owls, perhaps Bruce could even be institutionalised for a time? After all, his comic book counterpart was pushed to the brink by those villains and left mentally broken once before. Who's to say it won't happen again?

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The Batman
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