The Batman: 10 Things Fans Demand

6. Detective Elements

Batman Detective Chemistry Lab

While Nolan’s Bat-flicks were massively entertaining, and the best incarnation of big screen Batman in recent memory, they were lacking one thing: Batman doing any detective work; there were elements of it, yes, but nowhere near enough to solidify Batman as the “World’s Greatest Detective”, with Bruce mainly relying on interrogation and computer analysis to track down his foes.

Seeing as the villain of the film has not yet been revealed, turning it into a full-on detective flick may already not be possible.

However, it would be very easy for the writers to include a detective side plot or have Bruce using his detective skills to determine whoever his foe may be in the first place, in order to remind movie-goers why he’s the smartest member of the Justice League, in whatever universe that may be.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!