The Batman: 14 Huge Reveals From The Batsuit & Batmobile Images

4. The Batsuit Is Arkham-Inspired

Arkham Batsuit

As pretty much anyone with a willing editor and some column space to fill said after the first Batsuit reveals, Robert Pattinson's new outfit looks a lot like it draws from the Arkham game series.

The fragmented design - particularly around the shoulders - and the chest-plate being strapped on with a higher protective collar definitely looks like a conscious parallel. And that costume looks a lot more like the new Batsuit than any other direct reference points.

If Reeves has told his team to draw from the hugely successful game series, he's done something very smart, because going with something that's already worked rather than being more innovative makes sense. The cowl might be different but only someone looking to make an argument would disagree with the other similarities.

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The Batman
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