The Batman: 14 Huge Reveals From The Batsuit & Batmobile Images

2. He's Wearing Lenses

Batman Lenses
Warner Bros.

The issue of Batman's eyes has been a big one throughout Batman movie history. For the most part, we've seen the actors' eyes under the cowls unhidden, partly because of the added expression afforded by that choice.

Snyder's Batman had eye-wear, of course, and Nolan's version had his solar lenses, but neither were fitted "as standard" or as the default, as it were.

But by the look of Matt Reeves' images, Robert Pattinson's version will be sporting a fan favourite feature - lensed eyes - from the get-go. Let's hope those images are offering a real picture of what we're getting, because this Batman needs difference and calling back to that design choice would be a big win.

The lenses will probably be retractable if they are indeed there (or they're going to be CGI) because the supposed "screen test" images showed Pattinson's eyelashes in silhouette. Anyway, an exciting prospect all the same.

Robert Pattinson The Batman
Warner Bros.
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The Batman
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