The Batman: 14 Huge Reveals From The Batsuit & Batmobile Images

12. The Cape Will Probably Be Partly CGI

Cape and Cowl
Warner Bros

Matt Reeves' images revealed Batman moodily standing beside his Batmobile - same energies Zack Snyder, in that respect - and there's a key detail in there that fits nicely alongside the Batbike images. He's wearing his cape, which is very much physically there, by the look of it.

The difference between that and the bike images is obviously the conspicuous lack of the cape in the latter. Now, those images were of a stuntman riding a bike, so OF COURSE he wouldn't wear a cape - have you even seen The Incredibles (no capes!)?! Anyway, that doesn't mean Batman won't have a cape in that scene, though, because the stuntman is clearly still wearing the collar piece that is attached directly to the cape by the look of Reeves' images.

That also suggests that the Batsuit itself will probably have some CGI augmentation, which would fit with how different the stunt suit looked on set. And more generally, the very fact that Batman even HAS a cape is an expression of his theatricality. He still knows the value of his suit's impact on his enemies, clearly.

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The Batman
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