The Batman: Every Character Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Bella Reál

The Batman Catwoman Zoe Kravitz
Warner Bros.

Bella Reál is one of the movie's few original creations, a mayoral candidate committed to cleaning up Gotham City and serving as one of the few beacons of optimism throughout the story.

Reál has a fairly small but absolutely pivotal role, memorably dressing down Bruce Wayne at mayor Mitchell's funeral by noting that, despite his immense wealth, he hasn't invested much of it helping the citizens of Gotham.

She later becomes a target of the Riddler's scheme once she's elected as the new mayor, the villain's death cult conspiring to assassinate her once the Riddler's bombs flood the city.

As a Black woman taking major political office and being targeted by a cabal of angry white men, Reál's role in the film feels perhaps the most obviously inspired by present social issues.

While she's not a huge presence in the film, she's an intriguing character who we'll hopefully see again in the sequel.

The final scenes make it clear that her hope for Gotham's future hasn't wavered in light of the Riddler's rampage, and that'll hopefully carry through to the work that needs to be done to salvage the city.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.