The Batman: EVERY Major Rumour Ranked Worst To Best

2. It Will Be Linked To The Joker Origin

Joaquin Phoenix Joker

The Rumour

According to Forbes writer Mark Hughes on the Superhero News Show, The Batman and the new Joker Origin movie are linked in the same universe:

"I think Joaquin Phoenix is playing the Joker in a standalone film, that will possibly wind up not being standalone as the situation evolved with the solo Batman movies and the future of the DCEU shapes up. I haven't heard anything firm, but I've heard certainly whispers from several people that... f we're rebooting Batman anyway, he's going to need a Joker. We can't use preexisting Jokers. So we either have Jared Leto showing up as the Joker in some sort of sequel movie, and a Joaquin Phoenix solo Joker movie, and then we have to have another Joker. Wouldn't it make more sense to take a Martin Scorsese produced Joker with Joaquin Phoenix and wait and see if it works out, then just cross that and have that be the Joker for the new Batman?"


It would make more sense and not only that, we'd get to see Joaquin Phoenix in full-blown Joker mode. His origin movie probably won't show him fully embracing the Clown Prince image - rather, we'll see him losing himself and going through the transformation, but that's likely to be the very end of the movie.

To then not get to see this Joker face off with Batman would be like making a cheese sauce and never putting it with the macaroni.

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The Batman
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