The Batman: EVERY Major Rumour Ranked Worst To Best

9. It Will Lead To A Trilogy

Batman Retires 2
DC Comics

The Rumour

Matt Reeves hasn't just been brought in for a short-term Bat-fix, Warner Bros apparently want him to make a whole new trilogy.

And when he was asked about the possibility, Reeves did seem to suggest he had plans beyond one movie:

"I have ideas about an arc, but really, the important thing is just to start... you have to start with one. You know, you have to start with a story that begins something. And I would be lying if I could tell you that the arcs of Apes was already planned out, because it simply wasn't; it's one of those things where that character was so potent, and the possibility was embedded from the beginning, but exactly how you've got from A to Z is not something that existed."


The idea of Warner Bros doing ANYTHING longer term than a single movie right now is a little questionable, given how in-flux some of their projects are, BUT, this is Batman we're talking about. It's the ultimate blue-chip brand for the studio and assuming the first movie looks good (or even tracks well), it's likely they will spirit a sequel into being.

For all that they don't want to be seen to be gambling, the studio also know that longevity and stability are both great selling tools for movie franchises.

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The Batman
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