The Batman Trailer Breakdown: 20 Things You Must See

8. Does Batman Upgrade His Suit?

The Batman 3
Warner Bros. Pictures

We've already talked about how bulletproof Batman's suit is, but something else to point out is that, during the earlier scene where Batman tanks a pistol shot, that shot seems to knock him back a fair bit.

Here though? He's walking into a hail of automatic fire, without so much as a flinch.

Maybe that first scene takes place early in the film, and Batsy discovers that his suit needs a few upgrades to keep it steadier in the face of gunfire. This then allows him to stroll through a bulletstorm like it's a light Sunday breeze, probably making those goons crap themselves in the process.

Other cinematic Batmen have upgraded their suits for various reasons, so it's safe to assume that Battinson will do the same.


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