The Batman Trailer Breakdown: 20 Things You Must See

7. Batman Versus The GCPD

The Batman 3
Warner Bros. Pictures

If the movie does involve Batman being framed in some way (as we speculated earlier), then that would explain why the GCPD appears to be hunting him in this scene.

We see Batman perched on the edge of a clock tower, almost like a gargoyle. The camera then switches to a POV shot as he dives off the roof, and he ends up gliding past a nearby building - presumably escaping his would-be captors.

The Batman gliding
Warner Bros. Pictures

Alternatively, this could be one of the first scenes in the movie, showing Batman's initial encounters with the more skeptical members of the GCPD.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.