The Dark Knight Rises: 10 Questions We Still Want Answered

6. How Did Everyone Explain Bruce Wayne's Death?

By the end, almost every main character involved knew that Bruce Wayne was Batman, so that explains how his disappearance at the same time as Batman didn't ring any bells among those characters, but you have to wonder why no-one else seemed to notice the link between the two deaths. And it's not like Wayne was a bit-part player in Gotham €“ his disappearance and subsequent reappearance was enough to be a big news, and So how did they explain Bruce Wayne's death exactly? If Blake was able to establish that Bruce Wayne and Batman were one and the same from a smile alone, you have to imagine that some of Gotham's brainier inhabitants might string together the two things to come up with the right conclusion. If he's dead I don't suppose it really matters, but the suggestion of Bruce Wayne's low-key family grave and Batman's monument is that his secret was preserved after €œdeath€. The real problem associated with this point is that aside from his relationship with Selina Kyle, there are no explicit exampled of Wayne consciously establishing that he and the Batman are different people to preserve his secret identity, as in the comics. We can probably assume that Wayne's meticulous nature would have meant that he had some contingency plan to account for his own disappearance on the death of Batman, but again, without explicit exposition, leaving it in the minds of the audience serves the film poorly.

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