The Dark Knight Rises: 10 Things You Might Have Missed

6. Honorable Judge Crane

Although it is safe to say that the majority of viewers recognized the makeshift judge handing out death sentences in Bane's Gotham, I am never surprised at how many people have seen The Dark Knight (in which Crane only makes a brief cameo) but not Batman Begins. Equally surprising are the posts online that I see in which there is general confusion about why Nolan used Cilian Murphy for both Scarecrow as well as this judge character (even though Gordon addresses him as Crane in one scene). To state this concretely, Jonathan Crane is Scarecrow. They are not separate characters. For those who have not seen Begins, Crane/Scarecrow is one of the main villains of the film. Also, why haven't you seen Batman Begins? Stop reading and go watch it.

When he isn't napping, Josh can be found enjoying a wide variety of films or writing code. He also spends time throwing his opinions around here at What Culture! and trying to figure out why Keanu Reeves didn't win the Razzie for Johnny Mnemonic. Email him at