The Dark Knight Rises: 4 Additional Scenes We'd Like To See in Director's Cut

3. The Arkham Asylum Bust

Let's think about it. The Scarecrow escaped at the end of Batman Begins only to be captured in The Dark Knight. His crimes in The Dark Knight may have been drug related but there's no escaping the fact that he's a psychopath with homicidal tendencies so regardless of why he ends up getting caught, his ass is going straight to Arkham Asylum. This then brings into question how he's roaming the streets of Gotham in The Dark Knight Rises when there's no mention of Bane freeing the Arkham inmates. No one in their right mind believes Dr Jonathan Crane has been sitting in Blackgate Prison for the last few years. Therefore it is suggested that the sequence from Batman: Knightfall where Bane liberates the likes of The Joker and The Scarecrow actually happens at some point off camera so why not show it to us? This leads us nicely to our next point. How likely is it to make the cut?: This is again one of those details that is left to the audiences imaginations. Chances of this making the film are slim to none.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.