The Dark Knight Rises: 5 Major Problems With The Plot

1. The Force Ghost

Of all the clumsy storytelling, one moment in the film truly stands apart. And that's when Bruce learns important information about the villain. From a ghost. A god-damn ghost. Okay that's not entirely accurate. I guess Liam Neeson's cameo was supposed to be a hallucination experienced by the beaten and broken Bruce Wayne. But since no other character informs him about the villain€™s lineage, or confirms it afterwards, the audience relies solely in this information gleaned from an apparition. As it turns out the information is only partially true. And I guess you could see it was just Bruce's mind making a leap with the information he had available. But it's a big damn big leap. Don't get me wrong though - it was great to see Neeson. He is awesome. Taken is a film about him kicking ass for an hour and a bit, punctured with some crappy melodrama, and I love it. It just would have been nice if they found a better way to include him. One where he wasn't a channeling his former role as a Jedi. Honestly, after that scene I wouldn't have been surprised if Bruce's father showed up and sent him off to the Degobah system to train under master Yoda

Gavin Rennison hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.