The Dark Knight Rises: 6 Answers To 'Where Do We Go From Here?'

Six answers to the question everyone is asking after Chris Nolan's final Batman movie... where do we go next?

Do I really have to say the S word? The one that rhymes with "Oilers"?... Fine. If you haven't yet seen The Dark Knight Rises and don't want to read any spoilers then for the love of all things nerdly don't read this article if you don't want to be spoiled! Now that that's outta the way, some of you may recall that I recently listed a bunch of example of why a Batman Reboot would be great to see on the big screen. Well now that I've seen the movie, and while still standing by my thanix cannons here, I'm gonna admit that the doors aren't as closed as I thought they would be to doing another movie in the Nolan-verse. So grab a can of OK Soda, then shed a stoic tear when you realize that you can't do that because OK Soda stopped being made back in the 1990's before you were likely to have even heard of it and grab a soda of your preference and sit back while I spout off some ideas.

A writer and college student living in Eugene Oregon. Currently writing a sci-fi novel on twitter.