0. All of the above
What would be really cool, is to see all of those ideas come into play for a new set of movies. We could have a 4th movie telling the history of the League of Shadows end with Batman saving the day, followed by a 5th movie that focuses on the new Batman and how he handles things more harshly than the last one did which sets up a sixth movie for Bruce to reemerge long enough to kick Blakes ass hard enough to knock his head out of it which leads into a 7th movie where Blake reemerges as Robin and stands on his own two legs only to get them knocked out from under him by a vicious villain who leaves him dead. The guilt of all this could leave Bruce unwilling to get back into the mix while Gotham turns back into a hellhole over a series of decades until he can no longer resist the call to resume the mantle of the Bat and Return to Gotham city. There you go, five ideas for where to go from here, and how to make them all work, but... There's one movie idea that excites me more than all of these ideas though. That's the next movie that comes out. Knowing that I probably won't have any idea where they go but wanting to see how they get there, whether by sequel, requel or reboot... well it gets my bat radar buzzing.