The Dark Knight Rises Sequel: 9 Actors Who Could Be The Joker

8. Andrew Garfield

You could say "no way" instantly, thanks to Garfield€™s current Spider-Man duties, but I wouldn€™t necessarily write him off as a good Joker casting choice because of that; if you look past the red-and-blue spandex, he€™s actually a pretty good face-fit. And The Joker would be so far out there as a character that it wouldn't interfere with his Spider-Man duties. He certainly possesses the skittish wiriness that I see in my head when I imagine the Joker and despite the fact that his take on the Clown Prince of Crime would most likely be immeasurably different than either Nicholson€™s or Ledger€™s, it could be a perfect opportunity for the young Brit to display his range.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.