The Dark Knight Rises: The Final Face-Off

2. The Morality Of Anarchy


Nolan always had to be asking the big questions: Batman Begins portrayed what one had to become for their goals, The Dark Knight dealt with the consequences, and just how far a man can fall, and The Dark Knight Rises came to choices, and how we must reconcile ourselves with them. Thanks to the villains of The Dark Knight Rises, citizens saw something that no one ever sees: absolute anarchy - do anything, hurt anyone, the status quo is no more. The rich are on trial, finally, the cops are on trial for their brutality, and it€™s the common man (and several hundred criminals with guns) who are in charge of the city. And the city burned. In The Dark Knight Trilogy Nolan endeavoured to see what would happen if we really did answer some fairly huge philosophical quandaries: is anarchy something we really want to strive for? Why don€™t we just give into our deepest, darkest desires? Why don€™t we just give in all together? Asking these big questions, with some fantastic explosions thrown in for spice, helped everyone account for and find some answers to these issues for themselves.

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