The Dark Knight Trilogy: 10 Moments That Make No Damn Sense

2. The Bit Where The Batcave And Other Toys Wait In The Wings


There is no suggestion during Bane's uprising that the Batcave, or the Bat-bunker or whatever we want to call it is destroyed (in fact we see it intact at the end of the movie) or that anyone, including Bane has even tried to figure out how to find it. So for the entire movie, there's a helpful resource centre of gadgets and weapons sitting around just waiting for Batman to come and kit himself out.

Obviously, he can't as he's stuck in an inescapable pit thousands of miles away, escaping from which would require feats of strength and agility not suited to a man with a broken back. Put them the script goes wild, Wayne's injuries are punched away, he survives several back-breaking falls and magically gets back to Gotham, and suits up, so he clearly did plunder his cave at some point, again proving it was all still intact.

So why doesnt Lucius Fox attempt to get to the cave at all? He is in hiding yes, but he's a resourceful genius and he could have at least tried to get some of the gadgets that he invented for Bats to help out - even if he would be unwittingly leading Miranda/Talia to them as well?

He might have looked a bit dumb in the suit himself, but as the sledge-hammer sentimentality of the finale proved, Gotham needs only a symbol, and they could have at least been inspired by the sight of Batman returning into staging their own uprising. It wouldn't have even been hard considering how easily a stampede of unarmed policemen overpower a tank and a vast force of gun-wielding thugs...


Sonya Reznikova hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.